23 November 2008


I lied. I'm surrendering to the Blogspot world. I've tried many times to establish a blog unsuccessfully of course, mainly because I have a tendency to reveal too much on the internet. Basically, who cares? However, after reading Chris Brogan's recent post about diving into social media, I realize that it's important to contribute to the dialogue more than microblogging nonsense and Facebook updates. As the future of PostAdvertising.com and my role there are uncertain, I want to keep creating some "noise" in the digital world. Let's see if anyone will listen.

While I haven't given much thought to the direction this blog will take, expect me to talk about music, advertising, social media, art, fashion, drinking, love, and trying to make it in this big, bad city. And, of course, random "webcomics" I create. I expect the purpose and personality will become clearer the more engaged I am.